FENG SHUI Spiritual


” Barragán – Puente ” invites you to participate in the Basic On Line Feng Shui Course.
 What is the Online Modality … ??? In some cases, taking a basic Feng Shui course with our daily activities can be complicated. For these reasons, we have decided to offer you the possibility of a Basic Feng Shui Online Course, thus optimizing time and money, adapting the indications that we give in the moments that you have. 
How do Online Courses Work … ??
 By registering for the course, you immediately enter the virtual classroom where you can access all the lessons, which can be downloaded in printable .pdf format. This type of file is read with the Adobe Reader program, which can be downloaded for free from the following link: 
 It is for this reason that there are no start dates for courses under this modality. You can also be part of a closed mailing list composed of all enrolled students, through which you can transmit all your questions and queries and you can access all the answers. This group will be coordinated directly by Arch. Marcelo Puente. 
 Courses Presence and courses On Line are composed of the same program: 
Basic Feng Shui On Line Course     
 The basic course of Feng Shui is designed to transmit all the basic fundamentals of this art – science to be able to apply the precise energies in the right places, both at home and at work, which will generate positive thoughts that will will allow to achieve a higher quality of life in all its aspects. 
Approximate duration 8 weeks (2 months).
It consists of eight lessons in which the following topics are developed:
 Lesson 1: Introduction to Feng Shui Rational, traditional schools. Yin and Yang (elementary forces of the universe). Introduction to Bagua: The Ba-gua and the different schools of feng shui: numerological and symbolic meaning. 
Lesson 2:
 Dimensions of the bagua. Application of the ba-gua on the floor of a house. Plants or terrains of irregular geometry. The Bagua environment by atmosphere. How to enhance the bagua areas. 
Lesson 3:
 Introduction to the Theory of The Five Elements or WU Hsing. The Cycle of the Five Elements. The Bagua and The Five Elements. The Five Elements and the Color. 
Lesson 4:
Feng Shui environment by environment: exterior, hall, living room, kitchen, dining room, study, bedrooms and bathrooms. Basic harmonization of each environment. 
Lesson 5:
 Other forms of expression of The Five Elements: Sound, Smell, Touch. The Five Elements and the Personality. How to balance the Elements in the Character. 
Lesson 6:
 Chi: Concept of Chi, Chi of the Earth, Chi of interior spaces, of objects, of people. Chi flow. Positive Chi (Sheng Chi) and negative Chi (Sha Chi). Correction of negative situations: cures. 
Lesson 7:
Principles of Location – Celestial Animals. The Tiger and the Dragon, Orientation of the Four Guardians, Orientation for the Southern Hemisphere. The Tiger and the Dragon in the Forbidden City. Other applications of the Tiger and the Dragon. 
Lesson 8:
 The Bazhai School. Introduction to the Compass Schools: The Kua Number, The Eight Directions, Orientation of the Bed, Orientation of the Desk or Workplaces, Distribution of the Environments, How to Cure the Negative Orientations. 
Facilitators: Architect Marcelo Puente Investment of the Basic Course of Feng Shui On Line: $ 750 Argentines or U $ 120
To Register or Request more information about this Course:
You can send an email to the following address:
Basic Course Payment Form of Feng Shui On Line:
Through DineroMail (Only for Argentina).
How does the DineroMail shopping cart work ?
 1- Buyers click on the “Buy with DineroMail” button to buy the product.
2- The buyer clicks “Pay” in the shopping cart. 3- If it is the first time you buy through DineroMail or do not have an account, you will have to fill in the four fields: First Name, Last Name, Telephone and E-Mail.
4- The buyer chooses one of the available means of payment: Credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express) or through PagoFácil or Rapipago.
5- DineroMail sends an e-mail notification to both parties. 
Buy Basic Course of Feng Shui On Line ►
A through PayPal (Only for Exterior). This payment system has an increase in the final price due to Paypal commissions.
 PayPal is the fast and secure way to pay online. Pay with your credit card without revealing your card number to the seller. And make the payment process faster when buying online. Insurance: You will never show your credit card number to the seller. 100% protection against any unauthorized payment sent from your account. Each purchase is confirmed with an email receipt. Comfortable: Make the payment process faster when shopping online. Pay by credit card, debit card or by bank account. What you prefer There is no need to rewrite the financial information. 
Buy Basic Course of Feng Shui On Line ►
 through Wester Union (Only for Exterior)
 You must transfer the corresponding amount in the name of Marcelo Fabián Puente (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina) . We request that, after the process, send us a message with the date and the transfer code. The cost of the reference management will be borne by the buyer. To find out which Wester Union agent is closest to your home, click here . 
International Bank Transfer (Only for the Exterior)
 To operate through this means of payment you can send an email message, requesting the necessary data for this operation, to the following address 
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