Barragán – Puente offers courses in the option of:
 Attendance: These courses are dictated personally by Alba Barragán and the Architect Marcelo Puente and the corresponding notes for each subject are included. 
 Courses Presence and courses On Line are composed of the same program: 
Professional Feng Shui Course 
 This course is developed based on the training of future Feng Shui consultants based on the fundamentals and deeper principles of this ancestral discipline, being very useful for real estate salesmen, interior designers and architects. This course includes training in Chinese Astrology – 4 Pillars and at the end of it a practical work will be presented, where all the acquired knowledge will be evaluated. 
Approximate duration 12 weeks (3 months).
It consists of six lessons in which the following topics are developed:
 Lesson 1: The Theoretical Basis of Xuan Gong Feng Shui: The Bagua del Cielo Anterior and The Bagua del Cielo Posterior. The Character of the Stars. Ying Trigrams and Yang Trigrams. Disposition of the Trigrams in the Bagua del Cielo Anterior. Analysis of Yin Domain Stars and Yang Domain. The annual and monthly flying stars, as they interact with the star in front, base and mountain of each palace. The Ki of the Nine Stars.
Lesson 2: Water Formulas (2nd Part): Letter of the Seven Heavens. Formula of the Five Ghosts, Formula of the Doctor of Heaven. Formula of the Water Star. Formula of Celestial Harmony. Favorable Directions for the Water outlet. Big Water
Lesson 3:Use of Multiple Geomantic Letters: What to do when the front or the year of construction can not be specified. The use of more than one Geomantic Chart on the same construction. The “Devil’s Lines”: what happens when the orientation is on the boundary between two directions. Resources that can modify the orientation of the front. The Replacement Stars.
Lesson 4: Feng Shui for Commercial and Corporate Spaces: Feng Shui in Hong Kong: Examples: The Bank of Hong Kong and Shanghai, Choice of a Local or Office, Organization of a Local or Office, Feng Shui for Offices, Feng Shui Applied to Graphic Design (Logos).
Lesson 5:Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology: Calculation of the Four Pillars of Destiny, Pillar of the Year, the Month, the Day and the Hour. The Peach Blossom The Grand Duke The three Deaths. Favorable and Unfavorable Periods. The Yin or Yang Condition of the Master Element. Choice of Favorable Periods.
Lesson 6: Feng shui and the Design Process applied to Homes, Commercial Premises, Offices and Companies. The Professional Consultation: Mechanisms and Instruments to be taken into account at the time of the consultation. Preparation of the Report as Professional Consultants. 
Start date: New Date to be confirmed. Place: Camargo 794, Autonomous City of Bs. As. (Camargo and Gurruchaga). Facilitators: Architect Marcelo Puente. It is delivered manually. Please confirm assistance for the preparation of the Delivery Material. Investment of the Professional Course of Feng Shui Presencial: $ 1500 Argentines, ( ($ 500 x month) .- 
To Register or Request more information about this Course:
You can send an email to the following address:
Form of Payment of Feng Shui Professional Course :
You can choose to pay in the same place where the courses are taught or through DineroMail .
How does the DineroMail shopping cart work ?
 1- Buyers click on the “Buy with DineroMail” button to buy the product.
2- The buyer clicks “Pay” in the shopping cart. 3- If it is the first time you buy through DineroMail or do not have an account, you will have to fill in the four fields: First Name, Last Name, Telephone and E-Mail.
4- The buyer chooses one of the available means of payment: Credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express) or through PagoFácil or Rapipago.
5- DineroMail sends an e-mail notification to both parties. 
Buy Professional Feng Shui Course On-Site ►
A through Wester Union (Only for Exterior)
 You must transfer the corresponding amount in the name of Marcelo Fabián Puente (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina) . We request that, after the process, send us a message with the date and the transfer code. The cost of the reference management will be borne by the buyer. To find out which Wester Union agent is closest to your home, click here . 
International Bank Transfer (Only for the Exterior)
 To operate through this means of payment you can send an email message, requesting the necessary data for this operation, to the following address: 
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